Emu Oil For Psoriasis?
Emu Oil is my favorite oil when it comes to psoriasis, so I’ll tell you all about this remarkable natural product. It has many benefits when it comes to the health of your psoriatic skin. In fact, emu oil benefits are known throughout the world through scientific studies. The Australian Aborigines have used emu oil for thousands of years for all manner of health problems including arthritis, pain relief, wound healing burns, sunburns, and to reduce the pain, itch & swelling of insect bites and stings. This validation of indigenous use for many thousands of years is a testimony in itself, regardless of what “science” has to say. I first came across this amazing product about several years ago when a patient mentioned how fantastic it was for her psoriasis, she said that after trying every single cream, lotion and potion she stumbled onto emu oil. Not long after, another patient commented how emu oil was amazing and that her husband only found relief from his scalp and elbow psoriasis once he started to use it regularly instead of a cupboard full of lotions and potions he had been using for over twenty years. Now I recommend emu oil to anybody who is serious about finding one of the most effective natural skin products for their psoriatic skin.
Traditional Australian Aboriginal Medicine
Emu oil is sourced from the emu (not unlike the ostrich), a prehistoric bird that has roamed the outback of Australia for about 80 million years and still exists to this very day. To the Australian Aboriginals, the emu was a very important part of their culture and lifestyle because it provided them with food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and was held spiritually in high regard. Emu oil is rendered from a thick layer of fat that is below the skin on the back (subcutaneous fat) of the emu. Valued for many thousands of years by the Australia’s native Aborigines for its healing powers, emu oil offers many natural qualities to help that can be beneficial to one’s health. It has not only been used more lately by the white man to make cosmetics of exceptional quality, but has proven to be a most valuable medicine as an intensive pain reliever used in the treatment of chronic arthritis, strains, sprains, and muscle pain. It is also widely used as a wound healing accelerant and to soothe and heal chronic skin afflictions such as eczema and psoriasis. Emu oil is a good emollient and water-binding agent with anti-inflammatory properties.
Emu Oil Works Really Well For Psoriasis
It means a lot to me what patients tell me, a product either works or it doesn’t. They say you can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool the majority of folk time and again. The same applies to natural or chemical based medicines, products we use on our skin to heal, soothe, repair and to restore the skin’s natural function. Do you have psoriasis and have never tried the power of emu oil? I’d like you to try this product for twelve weeks – every day, just apply a tiny amount because this product goes a very long way indeed.
There is no need to lay it on thick, no need to constantly apply it several times a day. Just apply a little in the morning and a little at night to the affected areas. You will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome, but be patient! A product either works with a few people or it works for the majority, and the feedback I am now getting with emu oil is that it works with the majority of psoriasis patients who use it regularly. One hundred percent high quality natural products work the best, consistently, time and again, and beat those chemical based “healing” potions any day. That is my experience based on twenty-six years of full-time naturopathic practice. Maybe your experiences are different if you are a conventional based practitioner, but I prefer to recommend natural medicines to my patients because they produce no side effects or collateral damage to the body like pharmaceutical preparations are likely to do.
How Does Emu Oil Work?
Emu oil has a most positive effect on the function and chemistry of our body’s cell walls in particular, and a large number of steps within our body’s chemistry involve fatty acids in these cell membranes. No pharmaceutical drug can offer the wide scope of the natural cellular activity seen with emu oil. Let’s look at the seven main ways emu oil can help your psoriasis:
In addition, these properties can help those with psoriasis:
The Many Benefits of Emu Oil
Emu oil can be used effectively on many different skin types, it is entirely non-toxic and natural, completely chemical-free and even non-comedogenic (it does not clog your skin’s pores). Emu oil is also non-allergenic and a fantastic product for those with the most sensitive of skin and allergies of many kinds. Emu oil has a strong anti-inflammatory action and has been found to be comparable in anti-inflammatory action to conventional corticosteroid based drugs, yet without those side effects. It has even been compared to medication such as ibuprofen yet without the side effects frequently common with traditional prescription or non-prescription anti-inflammatory medications.
Emu Oil Is Perfect For Psoriatic Skin
Emu oil has been shown to reduce the depth and length of fine lines & wrinkles in many studies as well being moisturising and a natural skin softener. It has been proven to be one of the fastest and most penetrating oils into the skin, as well as a trans-dermal carrier for any other added therapeutic ingredients or skin care. For example, I have found it fantastic for tinea or athlete’s foot, because it carries tea tree oil exceptionally well. It also carries lavender oil well. Just a few drops of lavender oil and a few drops of Emu oil mixed together works well for stress, anxiety and insomnia. If you have a chronic skin condition, why not at least try this amazing product? You will find that it has a non-greasy and very fine soft texture that is most agreeable. Some creams and oils I have recommended in the past for psoriasis patients left their skin feeling greasy, you will never get that feeling with 100% pure emu oil, and that’s one of the reasons I like it.
Emu Oil For Psoriatic Arthritis
Emu oil is very effective indeed for different forms of arthritis and muscular and joint aches and strains. This oil is also excellent with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and even psoriatic arthritis. The Emu oil product I recommend here is called E-Balm; it contains a very high percentage of Emu oil, blended with a selection of essential oils to help relieve strained muscles and joints. E-Balm is highly effective for deep-tissue massage and is used by Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Cycling, and Tri-athlete New Zealand teams as well as thousands of arthritis sufferers world-wide.
The 9 Properties of Emu Oil
Emu oil is particularly rich in omega 3 and 6 as well as vitamins A and E. It contains long carbon chains in its omega 3 that make it one of the rare few oils like pomegranate oil with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a deeply moisturizing oil and assists in the healing process of burns, bites, all manner of skin rashes, wounds and skin diseases. The oil acts as a natural liposome by delivering the many other ingredients as it readily and gently penetrates the skin’s outer layer and together with the other containing natural oils and vitamins helps to diminish the formation of scar tissue.
I recommend emu oil especially for severely dry, irritated and cracked dermal tissue, psoriasis, eczema and post-laser surgery irritation. Here are the nine properties of this natural oil: