Psoriasis Lifestyle
“Your lifestyle – how you live, eat, think and express emotions will determine your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.” Brian Carter
The psoriasis lifestyle is an important but generally overlooked consideration when it comes to recovery from psoriasis. Psoriasis is an ailment that responds very well to a healthy change in diet and lifestyle. There are definitely ways to prevent outbreaks and deal with symptoms, and they are not that hard!. There are many pharmaceutical medications and creams that can be used to treat psoriasis, but they require constant use and can cost lots of money over time. The best thing you can do for yourself initially is to change your lifestyle and prevent the outbreaks. It makes a lot of sense to try this first, instead of adopting not so healthy ways of living and then having to resort to drugs to get rid of the symptoms.
You will find that some lifestyle changes are really simple, while others are somewhat more difficult to adopt. Finding ways to prevent psoriasis outbreaks is a search any sufferer should be willing to pursue. The first thing you will want to change about your lifestyle is your diet, have you done this? I recommend that you take a look at Psoriasis Diet book, the most comprehensive one written about psoriasis yet, this book will explain everything you need to know about what to eat and what to avoid when you have psoriasis. Changing your diet can help you lose weight, which may be a factor in triggering psoriasis. Changing your diet will also help prevent chronic disease and could even help to extend your life by a decade or more. Add more fruits and vegetables to the diet and try to remove those take away foods and animal fats. Use sugars in moderation and watch out for processed foods, it is best to prepare you own food as much as possible.

Plaque psoriasis is often treated by medical doctors with different kinds of pharmaceutical medicines including creams, ointments and drugs but is generally far from successful, in fact, it is only treating the symptoms and many people with plaque psoriasis end up giving up on these kinds of conventional treatments, preferring to look for natural and drug-free ways of treating their skin problems. Other common medical treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis include phototherapy or systemic agents (strong drug treatments), and I’ve found that many psoriasis patients simply aren’t interested in going down this path.
When a person is affected with plaque psoriasis, their skin cells have an accelerated growth with lots of premature (not fully developed) skin cells coming to the surface, forming thick skin plaques.You can read a lot more here about psoriasis.
The itching, cracking of skins and pain may or may not be the cause or symptoms for plaque psoriasis. The plaque psoriasis is detected with their distinctive silver white emergence and the skin that is inflamed under has a reddish tinge. Moreover, the patient will feel a burning sensation when the plaques of affected skin area are touched with clothing.
Plaque psoriasis is also found to have hereditary links. On the other hand, it can also erupt when exposed to sunlight, excessive smoking, excessive alcohol intake and inherent immune conditions. This type of psoriasis can be severe, asymptomatic, mild and acute. The plaque psoriasis may recur again in a week’s time or a month or after a long period. Hence, adequate precaution and treatment is essential to prevent its recurrence.
A Change Is As Good As A Holiday
“There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness”. Dr. Edward Bach
I have on several occasions witnessed that when a patient who had chronic psoriasis moved from one house to another, or changed the country they lived in that their health improved, and in some cases their skin condition even went away entirely without any further intervention. This is a true fact, and something that used to really surprise me many years ago.
But why did this happen, and why did it take a move to bring about such a change in their health? Experience has led me to believe that it was because the person left some kind of stress behind; like work stress, a relationship stress, maybe their son, daughter, ex-partner, mother in law, etc. Maybe it was a change in diet; they were deficient in a mineral or vitamin or allergic to a certain food, or perhaps a change in the air temperature or humidity.
An improvement in health can come about for many reasons, and often a change in the person’s outlook by changing their residence, their occupation or their key personal relationships will bring about an improved state of health. Dr. Edward Bach (Bach Flower Remedies) was a doctor many years ahead of his time, he gave a public lecture in London in the 1920’s about the emotional causes of ill-health and was very much scorned by the medical establishment who thought he was a fool, after all, how could “emotions be a causative factor in illness”, when any self-respecting doctor knew in the 1920’s knew that there was only one cause, and it was those nasty germs!