Special Foods
There are many different kinds of psoriasis fighting foods you can eat, let’s take a look at some of the special foods that in my clinical experience have the best effect on the inhibition and even the eradication of psoriasis. Some of these foods reduce the inflammatory response of psoriasis, whereas others help to eradicate any underlying yeast, bacterial or parasite problems that potentially underpin psoriasis. Certain other foods help to reduce the oxidative stress (antioxidant foods) that encourage the growth of healthy skin cells, these foods are generally rich in phytonutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Some people will have discovered that certain kinds of foods and beverages seem to trigger those skin flare-ups, whereas other foods seem to reduce their flare-ups.
Some of my suggestions you may have heard before, but others you may have not. You may have already read on this website about the foods to eat and foods to avoid when you have psoriasis, there are certain foods that you will really want to learn a lot more about if you what to get the best out of your dietary approach towards psoriasis; you will be able to read a lot more about diet and psoriasis in general by reading my comprehensive books called An Introduction To The Psoriasis Diet and The Psoriasis Diet, two of the core books that make up The Psoriasis Program.
Most people who see me in the clinic with psoriasis tend to ask about the the best skin creams, ointments and lotions, as well as the best dietary supplements to assist in the eradication of their psoriasis, but generally forget that there are several very special foods they can easily get from their local grocery store or supermarket which have an excellent effect in helping their psoriasis too.

Psoriasis Crushing Foods
On this page, let’s explore just a few of these key foods that may well help you manage your psoriasis better, and actually help to reduce those skin inflammations. I have found over the years that some foods are better than others when it comes to soothing psoriasis, and I like to call these foods the psoriasis-crushing foods. If you incorporate these special foods into your diet on a regular basis, you will be on your way to helping your body decrease the flare-ups and aggravations of your psoriasis. But more importantly, if you keep on eating these foods over a prolonged period of time, and avoid the foods and drinks that potentially aggravate your condition, this includes adopt all of the dietary and lifestyle principles I’ve outlined in the Psoriasis Program, then you can be confident in knowing that you are on the right track to getting rid of your psoriasis in the long run.
Be sure sure to also read the information in the Psoriasis Program about fermented and cultured foods, and by eating all the psoriasis crushing foods I’ve outlined in the Psoriasis Diet book, along with the fermented and cultured foods I talk about in that book in great detail, you will be certainly working in the right dietary direction to ensure a complete eradication of your psoriasis in time.
While the psoriasis crushing foods inhibit inflammation, reduce oxidative stress, encourage healthy skin growth and at the same time also discourage the growth and help to eliminate yeast infection and poor bacterial levels in your digestive system. Those fermented and cultured foods encourage the proliferation of friendly bacteria, reduce poor bacteria or candida yeast infection in your digestive system. Beneficial bacteria are important for healthy skin, because various B vitamins and folic acid are produced by beneficial bacteria, and healthy people with healthy digestive systems tend to have healthier looking skin as a consequence of their balanced bowel flora.
In addition, a combination of these special foods will allow your immune system to back-off and to stop having to “shadow-box” any unwanted bacteria and yeasts in your digestive system. You will have less chance of developing food allergies as well with a good digestive system, which will also allow your immune system to ease up. Your immune system’s health is paramount if you are to reduce and reverse any unwanted skin and other inflammation in your body. Perhaps now may be able to understand the relevance of the old saying“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.
The Psoriasis Diet which makes up a part of The Psoriasis Program, outlines a very special diet that is wholesome and nutritious, but by including these extra special psoriasis-busting foods into your eating regime, you will be turning your diet into a powerful psoriasis-reversing tool.
What I wanted to achieve with the comprehensive diet and nutrition section (over two hundred pages) of The Psoriasis Program is to place in your hands the most up-to-date dietary information you need to treat your psoriasis in the comfort of your home. But wait, there’s more, foods are not your only weapon when it comes to fighting psoriasis, there are various specialized dietary supplements and herbal medicines that are very affective as well. In this last book in The Psoriasis Program series, entitled “Psoriasis – Special Foods, Supplements and Herbs”, I’ll explain a lot more detail not only about the most beneficial special foods, but also I’ll outline the best of the best dietary supplements you can take, and show you exactly what I recommend to patients who come to see me in my clinic and who pay consultancy fees.
Let’s now take a look at some of the key anti-inflammatory foods that you will want to incorporate into your Psoriasis Program:
Anti-Inflammatory Psoriasis Foods
But why are inflammatory foods important when you have psoriasis you ask? It is because psoriasis is a disease that involves plenty of inflammation. Inflammation is a process that amounts to a localized physical condition in which a part of your body becomes hot, painful, reddened and sometimes painful. Inflammation is a sign of an immune system at work, reacting to a response of the body that may be appropriate like an infection or an injury like a cut. An inflammatory response can also be inappropriate, and sometimes the cause of this silent inflammation is more obscure or hidden, something that baffles the experts, such as the inflammatory reactions that occur commonly with psoriasis.
Inflammation occurs inside our bodies all the time, and for many different reasons. Eating processed or deep fried foods, trans fats can all contribute to chronic health over time, and diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and countless other illnesses can be contributed in part to the inflammation caused by certain foods such as these that we choose to eat over a prolonged period of time. If you have read the Psoriasis Diet, you will already be familiar with most all of the pro-inflammatory foods and drinks like alcohol, red meats, dairy products, sugar, candy, take-away foods and various other foods you are most likely familiar with.
A high level of inflammation is most undesirable for those who have psoriasis, but how can we combat this? One easy way is to stop consuming so many foods that are inflammatory by nature, and eat more foods that are anti-inflammatory. To begin with, let’s take a look at the top anti-inflammatory foods, and then later on look at the foods implicated in inflammation, the top ten inflammatory foods. Want to read a lot more about these special foods? You will need to get your own personal copy of my comprehensive Ultimate Psoriasis Program, the most comprehensive program ever created for the psoriasis patient.
The Top Ten Anti-Inflammatory Foods For Psoriasis
1. Oily Fish. Salmon, Tuna, Sardines, Mackerel. Oily fish, like salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. To get the benefits, however, you need to eat fish at least twice per week. A 2009 study (University of Hawaii) showed that men who ate baked or boiled fish (as opposed to fried, dried, or salted) cut their risk of heart disease by 23 percent compared to those who ate the least. Consider Omega 3 supplements if you don’t like to eat fish. Oily fish and/or Omega 3 supplements are simply a must if you have psoriasis.
2. Berries. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, black currants, boysenberries, etc. Berries are one of the richest sources of vitamins and minerals, but especially, they have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties—because of anthocyanins, and these are powerful chemicals that give berries their bright and rich coloration. There are many studies that have been conducted over the past ten years that show blueberries especially to be one of the healthiest foods on earth. Studies have shown that raspberry extract can help prevent arthritis; and that blueberries can help protect against intestinal inflammation and even ulcerative colitis; and that those who eat more strawberries have lower levels of C-Reactive Protein, an inflammatory marker found in the blood. Aim for some berries every day if you have psoriasis.
3. Seaweeds. Kelp, wakame, kombu, hijiki, dulse, arame, agar agar, etc. Both red and brown seaweed have special compounds called phenolic compounds which have both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.Seaweeds are especially rich in fiber and besides containing many minerals, they are especially rich in iodine, a key cancer fighting mineral that also helps to quench inflammation and oxidative stress. Perfect for psoriasis.
4. Oils. Extra virgin olive oil, hemp seed oil, sunflower oil, sesame seed oil, avocado oil, etc. A 2010 study found that the Mediterranean diet’s incredible health benefits may be largely due to its liberal use of olive oil, especially the extra-virgin kind. The compound oleocanthal, which gives olive oil its taste, has been shown to have a similar effect as commonly prescribed painkillers in the body. Oils have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and healthy oils should become a regular part of your diet if you have psoriasis.
5. Cruciferous Vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collards, cabbage.Research has found that many vitamins play a key role in protecting the body from pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Some of the best sources vitamins are dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and collard greens. Cruciferous vegetables have much higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals (calcium, iron, and many disease-fighting phytochemicals) than vegetables with lighter-colored leaves.
6. Ginger & Tumeric. Ginger and turmeric belong to the same family and have been used by Asians and Indians for thousands of years. These spices contain an incredible amount of phytonutrients. Various studies have shown that ginger and turmeric both have numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Researchers have found that they help turn off NF-kappa B, a protein that regulates the immune system and triggers the process of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger, meanwhile, has been shown to be as strong as different pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs. I encourage any patient with psoriasis to include both fresh and dried ginger, as well as dried turmeric powder into their daily diet.
7. Allium Vegetables. Garlic, brown onions, red onions, spring onion, shallots, chives. The allium family (including garlic, onions, shallots, spring onions as well as chives) have well known immune boosting as well as blood purification properties. This group of vegetables are also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal by nature. Several amazing studies have revealed that garlic has been shown to work as good as NSAID drugs (like Ibuprofen) when it comes to inflammation, without the toxic side-effects. Onions contain quercetin and allicin which break down in the body to become the free radical compound called sulfenic acid.
8. Nuts. Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts. Nuts contain many different minerals and vitamins, as well as a high percentage of inflammation-fighting fats. Almonds are a rich in fiber, calcium, and vitamin E. Walnuts have high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, (an omega-3). Brazil nuts have a high amount of selenium than just about any other food, an immune boosting and anti-inflammatory mineral. All nuts are a rich source of antioxidants, which can help your body fight off and repair the damage caused by the inflammation common with psoriasis.
9. Sweet Potato. Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest of all vegetables you can eat, they are a great source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, manganese and vitamin B6 and C, as well as potassium. Sweet potatoes are another vegetable that can assist with inflammation in the body common with psoriasis
10. Whole Grains. Quinoa, brown rice, millet, amaranth, and buckwheat. Many patients I’ve seen with psoriasis consume white bread, pasta, donuts, bagels, white rice and other forms of refined grains. These foods only help to increase inflammation. Consume whole grains, they contain more fiber which has been shown to decrease levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation found in blood. Be sure to eat whole grains, and while wheat is OK, you are really best to consume consume grains other than wheat as your first choice.