Taking a multivitamin when you have psoriasis makes a lot of sense. Be sure to take a top quality multivitamin daily, I recommend one that is high in antioxidants and specific vitamins and minerals I’ll outline shortly. Taking a multivitamin helps to provide you with all of the basic vitamins and nutrients needed for outstanding general health, but will only be of benefit if you are following a good psoriasis eating plan like The Psoriasis Diet. Taking a good multivitamin every day will ensure that you don’t fall victim to a vitamin or mineral deficiency, and can also help treat a few types of vitamin deficiencies which can worsen psoriasis and even help to trigger a skin flare-up.

Avoid Budget Multivitamins
You may think that you can beat psoriasis without nutritional help, and I have no doubt that you probably can, but you may want to reconsider this viewpoint, because in many cases it will take considerably longer, and some may struggle literally for years trying to eliminate psoriasis from their system by diet alone, or by using a budget supermarket vitamin supplement.
I can understand that those on a budget may want to go to a discount shop to buy an item like a paint brush or some clothes pegs, but a multivitamin? I’ve found that many who try to save money end up taking a budget multivitamin to begin with, and then end up purchasing a better quality product in the long run due to frustration of a lack of anticipated results. The problem is that inferior multivitamins purchased from your supermarket (and even from your health food shop) made from poor raw materials simply don’t give the same kind of results, meaning you end up spending more on products in the long run that you originally expected. I always tell patients never to compromise on quality when it comes to a multivitamin, especially with chronic psoriasis.

You may think that you can beat psoriasis without nutritional help, and I have no doubt that you probably can, but you may want to reconsider this viewpoint, because in many cases it will take considerably longer, and some may struggle literally for years trying to eliminate psoriasis from their system by diet alone, or by using a budget supermarket vitamin supplement. I can understand that those on a budget may want to go to a discount shop to buy an item like a paint brush or some clothes pegs, but a multivitamin? I’ve found that many who try to save money end up taking a budget multivitamin to begin with, and then end up purchasing a better quality product in the long run due to frustration of a lack of anticipated results. The problem is that inferior multivitamins purchased from your supermarket (and even from your health food shop) made from poor raw materials simply don’t give the same kind of results, meaning you end up spending more on products in the long run that you originally expected. I always tell patients never to compromise on quality when it comes to a multivitamin, especially with chronic psoriasis.
If You Don’t Want To Take A Multivitamin, Ensure You Eat Very Well
If you want to follow the line of not taking any multivitamin because you are certain diet can treat all diseases, (let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food) then you will need to be super disciplined with your diet and lifestyle habits for a minimum of 6 months to a year or longer, much longer that if you were to take the right multivitamin and adopt the correct protocol from the beginning. And if you want to take no supplements at all, then I would recommend a slightly different dietary approach from the one I recommend in The Psoriasis Program. You would need to consume considerably more of the foods that not only help to reduce inflammation and build good immune and skin health, but also to eat plenty of fermented or cultured foods to ensure great digestive health. This is very important because the correct level of beneficial bacteria will ensure your body makes adequate levels of B vitamins in addition to other important vitamins.
Can you now imagine how quick you could restore optimal health if you decided to adopt this healthy dietary approach, made the appropriate lifestyle changes AND decided to take a quality multivitamin? I’ve seen some psoriasis patients with chronic psoriasis recover fully after as little as 12 weeks by taking this kind of approach. No bull, you get out of your treatment protocol whatever you are willing to put into it. The same goes for tackling anything in your life that is worthwhile. Get the good stuff to start with and get those results you are looking for sooner rather than later, then get on and enjoy the rest of your life.
OK, But Why Should I Take A Daily Multivitamin?
Along with everything else you need to juggle in a normal daily routine, it can be very hard to get all those vitamins and minerals you need, especially if you can’t always prepare your own healthy meals and stick to a regular schedule. A daily multivitamin is loaded with valuable nutrients that can help you stay healthy and feel stronger and happier. A healthy balance of vitamins and minerals allows your body to perform at its best. Your body can’t make most vitamins, so you must get them from the food you eat or from a vitamin supplement. A daily multivitamin can help fill in the gaps of your regular diet and make it easier to perform at your best.
One of the most important reasons why a daily multivitamin is so important, is that many different vitamins and minerals are co-factors to assist the many different thousands of chemical reactions that take place every minute of every day inside your body. There are over 1,200 different enzymes in each of your body’s cells alone, and they all require particular vitamins or minerals to function optimally.
But remember – eating really well is still critical, a multivitamin simply can’t make up for too much junk food!
A Healthy Routine
A daily multivitamin is just one of many good habits that can help you stay energized throughout the day. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and great sleep will all do wonders for your skin, as well as your overall happiness and long-term well being. Never neglect your lifestyle, taking a multivitamin every day while neglecting a healthy lifestyle will not be doing you any favors when it comes to eradicating your psoriasis, it’s all about balance.
Choosing Your Multivitamin
OK, so I’ve finally convinced you that it is important to take a multivitamin each and every day, but what do you take? You’ve been to the store and become a little overwhelmed by the selection, it looks like there are literally hundreds of different containers and dozens of different brands, so what do you take, how do you know what multivitamin is the right one to pick? Here are some tips:
Be sure it has 400 mcg of folic acid.Check expiration dates and make sure you don’t buy a product close to expiry. Any foods you buy should be very fresh, and so should your multivitamin supplement.