Enzymes Are Important With Psoriasis
Enzymes play a most important role in supplementation when it comes to psoriasis. One of the very first places I like to improve is the digestive system of the psoriasis patient. Bad bacteria, yeasts, and parasites often take a foothold is in the digestive system of the psoriasis patient, where they create an environment that allows them to thrive. But this comes at a cost to the you the host as these pathogens compromises various digestive processes, preventing it from fully absorbing vitamins and minerals, increasing acidity in the intestines, allowing candida yeast infections, bacteria and parasites to thrive, reducing enzymatic activity. By allowing these processes to take place, c the digestive tract becomes compromised, weakening the person’s overall health, creating malabsorption of many of the nutrients critical for the countless chemical processes to occur in your body. Is it any wonder your skin can’t heal and you are more prone to those psoriasis plaque flare-ups from time to time?
The pH of the digestive system becomes slightly altered, allowing an unfavorable environment for of other pathogens while the digestive enzyme levels become compromised creating several problems for the body.
Digestive enzymes are essential when you have psoriasis, they allow foods to break down into useable nutrients, and especially where there is a candida overgrowth or a bacterial problem that potentially affects digestive enzymes in the stomach and small intestine. The best digestive enzyme dietary supplements contain enzymes that support the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Supplemental pancreatic enzymes (amylase and pancreatin in particular) and supplemental protein-targeting enzymes (known as proteolytic) will reduce the discomfort caused by any Herxheimer (die-off) reactions. Some of the most beneficial digestive enzyme products contain betaine hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Digestive Health Takes Time To Restore
It normally takes anywhere from two to six months to seriously improve the health of the digestive system, and even longer in severe cases, I have know some patients with chronic psoriasis who required treatment with digestive enzymes for a two full years. These are frequently the patients who have long been given up and discarded by many other health-care professionals as being the “impossible” cases. They seem to react to everything in their environment and have a diet limited to a half a dozen foods. They have little or no energy, mood disorders, and generally a poor quality of life. They have had every test known to man performed on them, all to no avail, when in fact they are in serious need of full digestive rejuvenation.
Yes, I have seen impossible cases of psoriasis improve considerably, and sometimes all these seemingly impossible folks need is an ongoing digestive enzyme, probiotic and multivitamin.
Why Should You Take an Enzyme Formula?
There are several different reasons why you would want to take an enzyme formula when you have psoriasis, but the four main reasons are:
1. Digestive Reasons: to assist in the breakdown and absorption of foods.
2. Bug Crushing: to assist in the breakdown of candida, bacteria and parasites themselves.
3. Inflammation: to assist in healing the gut.
4. Systemic Inflammation: to assist in reducing inflammation in the body in general.
Take Digestive Enzymes With Food
After using digestive enzymes with psoriasis patients many years ago, I started to work out that they are best taken if you are serious about recovering from psoriasis. You take this digestive enzymes just before a meal, and if you need several then just spread them out at the beginning, during and at the end of the meal. There is no advantage taking these digestive enzymes between meals, because you want to work on improving digestion.
Enzymes Can Be Used For More Than Just Digestive Reasons?
There are digestive enzyme formulations and there are also systemic enzyme formulations, this is where it gets confusing. Systemic enzymes are to be taken away from meals or between meals, because they are designed to help reduce inflammation in other areas of the body, including the circulatory system, muscles, joints, skin and more. I have discovered that many patients with psoriasis seem to feel that much better when they take a good enzymatic formula in general, containing both digestive and systemic enzymes.Most psoriasis patients I see initially need the digestive enzymes more, but then over time as their digestion improves I tend to place them on a combination of a digestive and systemic enzyme formula.
Initially when they come to the clinic, their digestive system will have become damaged and inflamed by various drugs, yeasts, alcohol, coffee and tea, as well as other causes, and supplemental enzymes can assist with gut healing which increases their psoriasis recovery time. That’s why it is especially important that you take enzymes not only when you begin the Psoriasis Diet, but throughout the whole Psoriasis Program and beyond, as these dietary changes may be quite foreign to your body and the habits you learn through the whole process may take some time before they become fully engrained into your daily life.
There may be slight pH changes in your digestive system and shifts in the bacterial population, and initially there will be the regular garbage that needs shifting out of your bowel, it’s a bit like sweeping a floor that has not been cleaned thoroughly for many years. Many people will notice that they pass out bowel plaques, some mucous and either an increasing amount of bowel motions or larger stools, especially those who were on processed or diets high in refined or junk foods to begin with. Do enzymes assist in the cleansing process? I know they do because of the feedback I’ve received from the many patients who have undergone The Big Clean-Up before starting the Psoriasis Diet.
As far as inflammation is concerned, your digestive system is quite a dynamic place with many areas that can become potentially damaged by the inflammatory responses of a leaky gut, food allergies, parasites, and bacterial in addition to your psoriasis. Enzymes will help counter this inflammation, assist in breaking down any garbage and even help to counter the psoriasis itself.
How Long Do I Need To Take Enzymes?
This will vary from person to person. I’ve found that it can take about 4-6 months on average to heal the gut, especially if the diet is adhered to and probiotics are taken as well. But in some severe psoriasis cases I’ve worked with it has taken as long as 12–18 months for the healing to take place. I do urge you to take them and give them a good try; it may cut your recovery time by as much as half. Everybody seems to think that a good probiotic formula, multivitamin and omega-3 are all you need when you have psoriasis, but I believe that this is not the case, and trial and error with many psoriasis patients especially the past few years has shown me this.
Some people find they need enzymes with every meal, some with every meal as well as any snack foods they consume whereas others will find that they only require them occasionally with meals, especially meals containing meats. It’s all about trial and error, and only experimentation will reveal your individual requirements so you may want to experiment to see which method gives you best results.
For the average yeast infection patient I recommend that they take one dose of the Candida Crusher Digestive Enzyme twice daily for the first three to four weeks to assist digestion as well as to assist in the elimination of yeast toxins, particularly once they start the MEVY Diet This is primarily because they will be changing their diet and increasing the amount of protein (meat, eggs, chicken, fish, etc.) as well as vegetable matter they will be eating. Generally this means that they supplement with the digestive enzymes with lunch and dinner.
Increase or decrease the dosage of the enzymes to suit your own needs, and your bowel motions and level of digestive comfort will generally be a good guide as how much digestive enzyme to take. Unless you eat a high protein breakfast, it is best to take a digestive enzyme with your lunch and evening meal, but for those with known food allergies try one with breakfast, lunch and one with dinner. I have found that digestive enzymes are particularly effective for those psoriasis patients with food allergies and food intolerances.