1/4 – 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice with 1 teaspoon of wild rice added.
2 -3 cups of very lightly steamed mixed vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, spinach or sweet potato.
Steamed vegetables in the warmer months give way to raw vegetables or salads, Eric does enjoy raw broccoli, carrot, red onion, avocado, lettuce, and what ever else there is in the vegetable crisper.
Eric has a large vegetable garden and prefers to grow most of his own fruit and vegetables, he even has bee hives.
In addition, either (a) 1 can (185gr) of red salmon in water, tuna in olive oil or can of sardines, or (b) 1/2 shredded chicken breast or (c) 2 hard boiled eggs.
During the summer months Eric will have a large fresh salad with salmon yet stay with the brown & wild rice year round. Occasionally he will have a mixed vegetable soup.
Eric does not eat generally bread or wheat products, but on occasion has been known to have a large bacon and egg sandwich on a Sunday morning with a cup of strong black tea while he reads the newspaper.