Your Kidneys And Psoriasis Have A Special Relationship
Your kidneys play a very important role when it comes to cleansing the body of toxins. These two little hardworking organs positioned in your lower back filter all your blood, around 6 litres of it, twice every hour, filtering out any dangerous impurities and discarding them out of the body by way of the urine.
The kidneys are selective filtration organs, they hold back vital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, glucose and amino acids, returning these back to the bloodstream yet allow wastes to be efficiently eliminated from the body.
Once protein has been used by your body, the end product called urea is eliminated from the body by way of the kidneys. The kidneys keep the urea balance, and too much urea can be even life threatening.
The kidneys are most important to your health, and like the liver which we will talk about in another post, perform an amazing amout of functions. For example, they help with the production of red blood cells, assist in the control and regulation of blood pressure, and even help maintain the body’s acid/alkaline balance which is of most importance when it comes to psoriasis. You can read all about acid and alkaline and psoriasis in my book The Psoriasis Diet.
What most people are not aware of is that kidney disease, just like heart disease, is silent, and the symptoms may not show up until the situation becomes critical. When you have psoriasis, you will want to keep your large intestine, kidneys, liver as well as your lungs all in optimal shape. This will ensure that the most important elimination organs are functioning at their best, which in turn will help to optimize your chance of beating psoriasis. If you keep these organs functioning at their very best then you may be able to keep those psoriatic plaques at bay forever. I have seen this occur in many cases of psoriasis, and for this reason wrote a book entirely on the subject of internal cleansing and detox for my Psoriasis Program.
Just like the large intestine, there are many potential signs and symptoms of problematic kidney function, and it is therefore most important for you to know the symptoms of kidneys that are not functioning optimally.
I have listed the most common signs here for your convenience, and if you recognize any of these then I can highly recommend you take action. Some you may be familiar with, others perhaps not, but if you have psoriasis any symptoms in this list then you are well advised to improve the health of your urinary system. It is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases so that you can correct any problems early on.