Roasted Sweet Potato And Pumpkin Salad

Do you eat pumpkin and sweet potato? You will love the taste and beautiful colours of this special salad. What another tasty dish – this is a perfect salad to accompany my Roasted Beetroot Salad, why not make them at the same time? I know what you are thinking, a cold glass of white wine and some barbequed chicken kebabs, what a feast. But, hold the alcohol and have a diluted fruit juice or herbal tea instead instead- why add more love handles? Roasted salads such as this are made by our family all throughout spring and summer and served cool, and are even nicer the next day. This is a nice addition to the summer table, and the yellow and orange colours are nice when placed next to the Roasted Beetroot Salad and a fresh Basic Green Salad.
Pumpkin Salad Dressing
In a small jar add the ingredients and shake well. All ingredients should combine beautifully!Add just before serving