The 10 Most Inflammatory Foods To Avoid With Psoriasis

Did You Know The Most Inflammatory Foods To Avoid With Psoriasis?
Here is a very handy list, the top ten “NO” foods and drinks as far as psoriasis is concerned. If you have psoriasis, you will benefit from reducing or best avoiding the items on this page, as they only increase your chances of inflammation. The Psoriasis Program outlines the foods to eat and the foods to avoid in a lot more detail than you will find on this website.
Are you serious about getting a permanent resolution from your psoriasis? Of course you are, that’s why you are most probably reading this page right now. In The Psoriasis Program, be sure to read about the best anti-inflammatory foods to consume.
Article of interest:
1. Alcohol. This would have to be possibly the top inflammatory food to consume if you have psoriasis.Do you drink alcohol regularly and have psoriasis? Then why not stop for several months and see what happens? When I can finally convince a psoriasis patient to stop alcohol for a long period of time, incredible things just seem to happen to their health. Regular consumption of alcohol causes much inflammation as well as irritation to your liver, kidneys and numerous organs, leading to poorer health, and moderately heavy drinking can eventually lead to cancer, heart disease as well as diabetes. I have noticed that a lot of people I see with psoriasis drink alcohol very regularly, and many drink daily. Are you one of them? Stop now, this could be one of the most important decisions you could make in your quest to recover from psoriasis. This information is worth the price of the Psoriasis Program alone – providing you actually do stop drinking for several months. Are you sick and tired of your psoriasis yet? Then STOP drinking now! 2. Sugar. You can read a lot more information about the bad effects of sugar in the Psoriasis Diet, so I won’t elaborate on it too much here, but suffice to say, sugar is everywhere today. You will want to avoid processed foods, desserts and snacks as much as possible. Not only will your psoriasis improve because you have removed this most inflammatory food, you will have removed the main food source for bad bacteria, parasites and Candida albicans from your diet. Your digestion will improve, you will lose weight, your blood sugar will improve and along with it your energy. Alcohol and sugar in your diet are the two top inflammatory foods by far, so do your best to give them as wide a berth as possible in your diet and be amazed! 3. Cooking oils. Most people consume too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. The ration ideally should be 1:1 or 1:2, but in America the ratio today is more like 50:1. The oils you will want to avoid in your diet are safflower, soy, corn, canola and cottonseed. These oils are pro-inflammatory and linked with heart disease and many kinds of inflammatory illnesses. Removing them from your diet will reduce your body’s ability to cause inflammation, and is sure to help your psoriasis. Be sure to include healthy oils and fats in your diet, such as coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, pure butter, organic sunflower oil, avocado oil, and sesame oil. Make sure your oils are GMO, i.e; non-genetically modified. 4. Trans fats. These fats are man-made and added to foods to prolong shelf-life. The are found in fast foods, commercially baked foods like biscuits, cakes, bagels and donuts. They are also found in commercially prepared peanut butter, margarine and are in many vegetable oils. These fats and oils are unhealthy and promote inflammation, increase bad cholesterol, create insulin resistance and help cause obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 5. Dairy Products. Many people drink cow’s milk, have cream and eat lots of butter and cheese. I discovered some time ago the cow’s milk is the most common of all food allergies, and recommend that all psoriasis patients avoid consuming it. While kefir and a good quality yogurt are OK, cow’s milk is hard on your body’s immune system and is a pro-inflammatory food. It can exacerbate psoriatic lesions, trigger low-grade inflammation; various skin rashes, hives, digestive problems and has even been implicated in heart disease. Avoid cow’s milk and drink almond, rice or oat milk instead. Eat cheese in small amounts and focus more on the cultured dairy foods like the kefir and yogurt. 6. Processed and feedlot raised animal meats. You will be able to read more about this in the Psoriasis Diet. It is recommended not to consume more than 250 grams or red meat per week. Lamb is a better choice when you have psoriasis, and beef is best avoided, but if you do eat it eat no more than 250 grams (1/2 pound) in any one-week. Eat fish, chicken, lamb and pork preferably over beef as your meat protein sources. You may want to be rather selective in your choice of meats; some commercially raised animals may have been fed grains such as genetically modified soy or corn increasing the likelihood of producing meats that are inflammatory by nature. Animals may be injected with hormones, or may have been given antibiotics and encouraged to gain excess fat and muscle. 7. Artificial colors, preservatives and flavorings. MSG, and aspartame are only two of an incredible amount of chemicals you may want to avoid if you have psoriasis. By choosing foods that are fresh and natural, and avoiding as many packaged and processed foods as possible you will be cutting a lot of artificial chemicals out of our diet, chemicals that can potentially trigger inflammatory responses. 8. Refined grains. In this category you will be thinking about white flour and any foods made from this highly refined food. While some say that meats are inflammatory by nature, highly refined flour is more inflammatory in fact. Stay with wholemeal flour, and try your best to eat less wheat and more brown rice, quinoa, millet and buckwheat. 9. Soda drinks. These drinks deserve a category all by themselves because they are so widely consumed. Avoid them completely; they are full of sugars, artificial colors and various chemicals including artificial flavorings. Stick with herbal and green teas, and plain old water. 10.Fill in the Blank: Do you constantly have headaches or feel tired? Sometimes, you may develop an allergy to a food and not even know it. Coffee, certain vegetables, cheese… there might be a trigger you aren’t even aware of. Try and take a few foods out to see how you feel and slowly incorporate them back in to see if there might be a hidden culprit lurking in your diet!