Cauliflower And Lentils

Are you a meat eater or a vegetarian? Ultimately it’s up to you to decide on what type of diet suits you best. Some people I see in my clinic only eat vegetarian dishes, and that is fine by me. Personally, I enjoy a nice piece of top quality steak from time to time and feel that this really suits me. I’m not a huge fan of eating red med every day, but enjoy beef at least once per week. Don’t fee bad about having a nice steak, but don’t eat a 500gr steak at ten o’clock at night. Choose quality meat and have a small piece.
Make sure you eat plenty of salad along with it. Don’t let anyone tell you that steak is “impossible” to digest and will sit in your stomach for hours after eating it like a brick. This is factually incorrect, when in fact you will find that lettuce takes just as long if not longer due to the silicon content of the lettuce leaves. Be sure to eat beef that has not been over-cooked or that is tough, it will take a lot longer to digest than beef that has been cooked rare or medium rare.