How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

Are you sick and tired of trying to ‘fight’ your psoriasis, especially with conventional psoriasis treatment methods involving creams and pills? Do you want to know how to get rid of psoriasis naturally? If you have chronic psoriasis then you will know all about struggling with this most annoying skin complaint and trying to find not only relief from all that chronic itching and scaling of your skin, but you will be interested no doubt in looking for a long term and effective solution.

Article of interest:

Around half of all chronic psoriasis sufferers are dissatisfied with conventional medical treatment, and many others simply find the expensive prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines offer only temporary relief.

One of the main reasons I created this website was to show you the most effective natural psoriasis treatments, and also to expose fake or fraudulent ones. I’ve learned that some ‘natural treatments’ are a complete waste of time and money and are absolutely useless, so beware if you are looking for an effective natural solution. Many e-books, programs and dietary supplements I’ve evaluated online the past few years have surprised me just how brazen some ‘experts’ can be who try to pass such nonsense on to unsuspecting psoriasis sufferers.

So what do you do, how do you fight psoriasis? I’d say the very first thing you do is to get the “basics” right, like cut out that food and drink from your diet that is not conducive to good health. You probably already know these foods and drinks. Drink more water, bathe carefully and take the right dietary supplements. But first – let’s look at the basics first.

As a naturopathic doctor of over 30 years experience something I have learned about psoriasis patients is that they usually arrive at this page for one of two reasons:

1. You are a patient who has achieved a diagnosis of psoriasis, and, after trying orthodox treatments with limited success, have landed on this page after searching for more effective natural solutions and remedies,


2. Your doctor hasn’t provided you with any clear cut diagnosis for your skin condition at all and you found this page by accident after searching your symptoms.

Either way there will be many issues in common:

Firstly whether pharmaceutical drugs may be actually causing psoriasis or, if you are a psoriasis patient who is dissatisfied with the medical treatment of your condition.

Secondly: Whether you have a diagnosis for psoriasis or not, although the symptoms of different types of psoriasis as well as psoriatic arthritis can be diverse, many people have them even though in some people their psoriatic symptoms may be subtle and in others extremely severe.

Some psoriasis sufferers for instance, are commonly diagnosed with a scalp psoriasis which may not be the only problem around. Often I find that they have may also have digestive issues or, quite likely, food allergies, as well as suffering from stress. Depression is another symptom which features strongly in those who have severe forms of psoriasis, and many people, unsurprisingly, take a long time to uncover the fact that psoriasis  can cause not only depression but also the other symptoms I mention.

These are only a tiny fraction of the problems people face and I give a comprehensive list here:

Further Reading

But if you have come this far then at least we can start the journey to establishing whether psoriasis is the cause of your diminishing health and quality of life – and then begin to put things right. As a naturopathic doctor who specializes in psoriasis and the illnesses arising from it, I find that most of the psoriasis patients I have contact with come into several categories but there are three which dominate:

Three Kinds Of Psoriasis Patients

1. The Recently Diagnosed Patients

These patients have not long since achieved their diagnosis of psoriasis and, usually, are disappointed to find that the psoriasis drugs they have been provided with by their clinician have not produced the results they expected. Yes, it initially seemed easy, the physician simply prescribed steroids or methotrexate and indicted the problem was solved. Yet rarely does that turn out to be the case. Maybe the symptoms have returned, and worryingly they are more severe then when you achieved your initial diagnosis. Other patients find that not only has the original disease come back but they make have developed other illnesses, such as digestive problems or experience regular headaches. A few newly diagnosed patients do their own research and begin to realize that the drugs which have been prescribed to treat their condition, may well have either been causing them side effects or even contributed to causing their psoriasis in the first place.

2. The Questioning Psoriasis Sufferer

This discerning patient has been suffering for quite some time with their skin but has yet to achieve a correct clinical diagnosis. These patient has either hopped from one doctor to another or has returned to their clinician time and time again.  Yet these patients have questioned orthodox medicine and figured out through Google that psoriasis is probably behind their symptoms. However they haven’t quite got to grips with how to treat their skin or joint health problem effectively and may have little understanding of what a good psoriasis diet really means or how to effectively amend their lifestyle. Usually these patients have, half-heartedly tried natural topical treatments such as these ten most popular psoriasis skin treatments.  Emu Oil is one of my favorite psoriasis skin moisturizing recommendations.

3. The Patient with Long Standing or Chronic Psoriasis

By long-standing I mean here patients who have been living with the symptoms of psoriasis for ten years or more. These chronic sufferers will have tried most remedies, been to a plethora of alternative practitioners. They may have read many articles or browsed books, spent many hours consulting Dr. Google, and may have spent a lot of money on supplements and various skin treatments in the process. But still their quality of life is reduced to rubble as they try to cope with the debilitating symptoms and effects of their psoriasis every single day. These people want to know how get rid of psoriasis! I’ve been dealing with psoriasis patients such as this for many years and it gives me a great deal of pleasure to be able to help them resolve their issues and return not only their health but also their lives back to them as they begin to learn to live a life which does not revolve around their skin (or joint pain) related complaints, including endless doctor or medical specialist visits.

After having read this web page this far, you may be coming to the conclusion that I am at best, stretching the truth a little. Over the past 30 years as a physician I have heard so many stories from psoriasis sufferers, how they have struggled to cope with life and work on a daily basis. Some of these people have literally lived in a fog of sickness literally for decades, and while their psoriasis doesn’t quite physically incapacitate them, it can stop them enjoying their existence. I’ve heard many stories including feelings of shame, as well as embarrassment. Most sufferers are subdued not only because of their illness but also because they feel a solution is never going to be found.

They suffer from either anxiety, depression or both arising from their illness, many are on self-imposed restricted diets because they have become increasingly sensitive to an increasing amount of  foods. They become anxious about what they can and can’t eat, some have indigestion when they eat even the smallest of meals, others have digestive problems ranging from diarrhea to constipation. Many psoriasis patients are fatigued and good days for some chronic sufferers can be few and far between. These are the people who have forgotten what it is like to really enjoy and experience the good times that others without psoriasis often take for granted.

And, the sad thing is that psoriasis doesn’t only affect adults. I also see children with psoriasis and, in certain chronic cases, can even trace the symptoms of my adult patients back into childhood Mothers  or fathers who suffered with psoriasis when they were children themselves, unknowingly passed it on to their children, as psoriasis often has a gentic component.

The Psoriasis Diet

One of the most important foundations for good health is eating the right kind of foods, and this is particularly important if you have chronic psoriasis. Once you start to pay attention to your diet and avoid those foods that aggravate your skin you will be delighted with your progress. Be sure to read the Psoriasis Diet page.

I must inform you from my clinical experience of treating psoriasis patients for many years that once you switch to eating healthy you may at first experience some flare-ups, relax, this is quite normal. It makes sense to get your immune system in great shape if you have psoriasis, you may like to read about the best immune-boosting foods for psoriasis.

The problem with changing your diet when you have psoriasis is that the foods that are good for your body may actually cause a flare-up, and this is because you took away the foods which were aggravating you in the first place and probably didn’t even know all this time!  Your immune system will notice this change and will start to kick-in. What happens next is that the residual toxins start to challenge your immune response, creating an inflammatory response that leads to itching, redness and those repeated skin outbreaks. There are many different anti-inflammatory foods you will benefit from, and you may like to read my article the ten most inflammatory foods for psoriasis you will want to avoid.

Further Reading

The Right Dietary Supplements For Psoriasis

Most all of my psoriasis patients will be taking some form of dietary supplement for their skin condition. It may require research, and some of the advice you read online can leave a lot to be desired. I’ve discovered after treating many psoriasis patients that all too many take supplements of either dubious quality or the are taking dietary supplements that are not targeted towards reducing the inflammation or initiating the skin’s healing response.

Vitamins and Supplements for psoriasis.

Whilst psoriasis may not have a cure as such according to the medical profession, you can lessen the bouts of flare-ups considerably by taking the right supplements. It is most important to find the most effective and clinically-proven natural ways to deal with the symptoms and control the outbreaks which can make all the difference in the world, especially if you suffer with chronic psoriasis. Please read my articles about psoriasis and dietary supplements.

Bathing When You Have Psoriasis

Did you know that learning how to bathe correctly is a very important consideration if you have chronic psoriasis? You will be able to help prevent bad outbreaks in the future once you learn how to shower and bathe the correct way. Be sure to only use lukewarm water, and keep your showers or baths short. Many people like to spend a lot of time in the water when they have a bath, but this habit will only serve to dry out and irritate the skin. Another good tip is to use mineral, olive or a vegetable oil in the bath to relieve any inflammation and itching. This will help to seal in the moisture and not only give you relief but will also help to prevent future outbreaks. Check out my article on bathing for psoriasis as well as the best skin moisturizers.

Your Skin Needs Water So Be Sure To Drink Plenty

It is incredible how many psoriasis patients I’ve seen over the years who drink tea, coffee and alcohol but fail to drink water! When you drink several glasses of water each day you will be moisturizing your skin from the inside out. Once your skin becomes regularly moisturized on the outside as well as receiving plenty of moisture from the inside you will notice that those regular outbreaks will become a thing of the past. Drinking water is often overlooked but it is a highly effective and simple natural remedy.

Further Reading: Drinks and Psoriasis

How To Get Rid Of Psoriasis: The Psoriasis Program

After having treated psoriasis patients for over twenty years, I realised that it was important to formulate a program that was easy to follow yet highly effective for anybody with psoriasis to follow.

Consequently, I developed a new natural treatment program aimed at giving you the best natural psoriasis treatment options, I called it The Psoriasis Program This revolutionary treatment self-help program suggests that psoriasis plaques can be cleared away in as little as only 2 weeks using a 100 percent natural method.

In addition, I’m so confident that if you follow the advice outlined in my Program, I even offer a 100 percent 60 day money back guarantee, so why not try my Program without any risk if you want a guide based on some of the best self-help psoriasis techniques along with a good dose of common sense. Click here to learn more about this revolutionary drug-free treatment.




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