Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Treatment Of Psoriasis With Home Remedies
Home remedies for psoriasis are sought after by many who suffer with moderate to severe psoriasis. The treatment of psoriasis can be a real pain for anyone who has ever suffered with the red patches of flaky skin. It can be itchy and unsightly and recurrent doctor’s visits and medications can get both tiresome as well as expensive.
If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis and have had this condition long term, you will have seen the expenses associated and may be surprised to discover that effective treatment of psoriasis does not always have to be expensive. There are many different types of effective natural treatments for psoriasis.
It is easy to find different natural home remedies right in your kitchen. They are cheap, easy, and most people won’t even have to leave the house to even some of these things. So lets examine some of the best home remedies for psoriasis.
Moisturize Psoriasis Skin With Oil
Oils are outstanding to apply to the skin of those with psoriasis, especially natural oils rather than the commonly recommended mineral oils, which are based on petrochemical by-products. Try gently warming up a little olive oil and massaging it into affected areas of the scalp, if that is the type of psoriasis you have, leave it in for a minute or so and then shampoo as usual. The olive oil helps remove flaky skin. Emu oil works to help soothe damage to the skin, I think it is one of the best to try with psoriasis because of its outstanding moisturising properties. You can add it directly to the skin or mix it into a bath, allowing it to soak into the skin. Olive oil and a normal, everyday organic vegetable oil can be added to the bath as well to soak the skin. A clever thing to do is to add into the bath some Epsom salts which can help heal wounds faster and keep swelling and itching at bay.
Essential and Infused Oils For Psoriasis
It is best to obtain the smallest quantity of several of the following oils, and to trial them for a period of a few weeks to see how they affect your skin. You will find that one or just a few oils will really appear to suit your skin, whereas other oils seem to flare the skin up and make it feel worse. Different oils seem to work for different people. My favourite choices would be jojoba and emu oil.
It is a good practice after your bath or shower to use natural organic oils to seal in the moisture and soothe irritated skin, and the best products to use are aloe vera gel, infused calendula oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, emu oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, neem seed oil, St. John’s Wort oil, rosehip seed oil, hemp seed oil or any oil high in GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid) or Omega 3 or 6 essential fatty acids.
Treat Psoriasis With Propolis
I have recommended propolis products with psoriasis for over twenty years and generally get great feedback from those who track down a good quality propolis ointment or cream. Propolis research has shown that propolis offers antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-fungal, and even antiviral properties. It is often called “Russian Penicillin” in acknowledgement of the extensive research that has been done by the Soviets.
I would rate propolis as one of the most valuable properties of all the natural bee hive products because it has shown to have true immunostimulating characteristics. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, propolis does not supress the immune system, but instead boosts it. You are probably aware that antibiotics are not discerning, they destroy all bacteria in the body including the friendly and necessary flora required for healthy functioning. Propolis is a great product to use on the skin in the form of a cream or ointment, and all psoriasis patients are recommended to try this wonderful healing agent.
Treat Psoriasis With Baking Soda
Baking soda is a most effective way to treat the itchiness associated with psoriasis. Simply dissolve 1/3 cup of baking soda into 4 litres of water, and then soak a washcloth into this mixture. Wring out the cloth and then apply it directly to the affected skin. Baking soda can help relive itching. Repeat this several times as required.
Apple Cider Vinegar And Psoriasis
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a long history of being used to help ease burns as well as to help soothe and calm inflamed and itchy skin. ACV can be effective when used to dip in fingernails or toenails which have been affected by psoriasis. ACV can also be applied directly to plaques, those red, itchy and patchy areas, using a cloth or cotton swabs. A good topical mixture of apple cider vinegar is a one to four mixture, use one tablespoon of vinegar to four tablespoons of water. For a larger quantity, make up one cup vinegar to four litres of water
Coconut Oil Remedy For Psoriasis
Coconut Oil has been found to be an excellent natural treatment for relieving psoriasis. You can either take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil each day by adding it to your coffee or tea, or you can apply it topically onto the affected area 3 times per day.
Emu Oil To Treat Psoriasis
One of the best ways to control the build-up of skin that occurs due to psoriasis is to make sure skin is well moisturised. Emu oil is a most effective moisturiser, so simply apply a small amount to the affected areas each day. It is also important to apply moisturiser within a few minutes after a bath or shower. My advice is to avoid petroleum jelly and Bio Oil, which are products made with by-products from the petro-chemical industry.
Sunlight Exposure To Prevent Psoriasis
Many doctors prescribe artificial ultraviolet light treatments to patients suffering from psoriasis. A less expensive alternative is to simply get more sunlight! Exposure to the sun can enhance the production of Vitamin D, which has been found to be effective at treating psoriasis.
Colloidal Silver For Psoriasis
For stubborn areas of plaques, try applying liquid colloidal silver, a powerful germicide and natural antibiotic which will help to hasten the healing of many heal the skin problems associated with psoriasis. Again, it is worthy of a trial lasting a few weeks before you decide it works or not. Some folk swear by colloidal silver ointment for skin lesions.