Have You Just Been Diagnosed With Psoriasis?
What to Do When You Have Just Been Diagnosed With Psoriasis
Psoriasis is more common than you think, and the amazing thing is that many people don’t even know they have it! I recommend that you do some online searches, in fact, this website contains a huge amount of high quality information relating to many areas concerning psoriasis.
You can also get diagnosed by your doctor or dermatologist to find out for sure. But what do you do once you get that diagnosis of psoriasis? Do you panic? NO! Let’s assume that the diagnosis for psoriasis has been confirmed, what is the next step and what are you best options?
Always Try To Search For A Likely Cause Or Trigger
In most cases of psoriasis, I’ve found that there IS a likely trigger, it can be one or more. Tracking what happens to you and when it happens puts you in a better position to determine cause and effect. It is an intelligent thing to do, to track your symptoms. The first thing you do once you have been diagnosed is to start keeping a psoriasis symptom tracker, and if you’ve bought The Psoriasis Program you will have also purchased my Psoriasis Symptom Tracker as well, and you will be able to print it off and start tracking your symptoms right away. If you are clever enough to keep a symptom diary (and especially the severity of these symptoms) then you may well be able to break the cycle of those recurring skin aggravations, or the frequency of attacks. The problem is this – there is often no one clearly defined psoriasis trigger, it is often a few that seem to come together at the same time. Let me give you an example, let’s say you have gone through a tough time at work due to somebody resigning leaving you with more work to contend with. Around the same time, your mom is quite sick and you are really worried about her health. Next thing you are driving down the highway and your car is accidentally crashed into, or maybe it is broken into one night when you went shopping or to a friends place. It is often a combination of a few emotional stresses and maybe a few physical triggers (like the hot sun or cold wind) that come together, and next thing your immune system takes a beating and you experience a skin (or joint, or both) flare-up. The triggers can and often vary from person to person. While some cases of psoriasis can be blamed on genetics, this kind of cause is less prominent than you may think. Read the article Psoriasis Causes to determine if there are any likely cause or triggers you may be experiencing in your life right now, and remember – keep a symptom diary, and be sure to track not only what happens, but how severe the problem is. This is a smart move
Try And Keep A Daily Log
hen you first get the psoriasis diagnosis, it’s a good idea to start keeping a log of your daily activities. It can be a time consuming process at first, but in the long run it will really pay off. Writing down your daily activities as well as when the outbreaks happen, can give you a good idea of what your main triggers are. Over time, you will discover what your triggers are and can then take steps to avoid them. The more you analyse you diet and lifestyle, the more likely you will come up with answers.
I have always found that when a patient with psoriasis spends the time examining their diet and lifestyle, they will invariably find one or several causes, and when these are corrected, the severity and duration of attacks of very much reduced, sometimes to the point where psoriasis is hardly noticeable.
The trick is this, as soon as you feel that an outbreak is likely to occur then don’t immediately start scratching or rubbing your skin! Find relief fast, you will be much more likely to irritate the area significantly more and may even break the skin. This could lead towards a skin infection over time, as the skin’s surface becomes broken and bacteria get inside.
You may think that you will get relief by scratching, but you won’t in the long run, you will only be making matters considerably worse. It is best if you learn the most effective moisturizers to use on your skin, why use those chemical products when there are many different natural products you can use that are highly effective? You may be interested in reading The Ten Most Popular Psoriasis Skin Treatments . This article will have you understanding and using some of your best natural treatment options for psoriasis, and you will soon find relief.
Topical (Skin) Treatment
I am not a fan of mineral oils, and prefer that patients take an olive oil bath. Put together a baking powder paste and lather it on the sore areas or even a wet wrap. Rubbing Aloe Vera on the sore spots can ease the pain and inflammation. Most importantly, lotion, lotion, and then lotion again. Keeping the skin moisturized will help prevent outbreaks and help relive the dry, patches spots. Check out the article Essential Oils For Psoriasis Skin Treatment.
Learning that the diagnosis is psoriasis is the first step, as soon as you know, I’d like you to understand that there is natural relief, and there is even hope for recovery from psoriasis. To expect a “100 percent cure” is not realistic, but I’ve certainly worked with enough psoriasis patients to be able to confidently tell you that you can get to the point that you hardly ever experience an outbreak of your skin ever again. How is this possible? Follow The Psoriasis Program, I developed this program just for psoriasis patients like you. It works, and I’ve verified this with countless psoriasis patients over the years. As I mentioned previously, try and find out what your psoriasis causes are, this is intelligent. And remember, scratching and picking at your skin lesions in not a good idea, you will only make it worse for yourself in teh long run. Once you break this habit (like nail biting) you will be in a much better position to see a quicker resolution of your skin aggravations. Prevention is better than cure.