Breakfast Protein Shake

One of the protein sources I’ve found to be an excellent form of high quality protein is yellow pea protein powder. I use a powder in the morning if I’m quickly wanting breakfast or have little time for a meal. I also have this at times in the afternoon between lunch and my evening meal if I’m feeling a little hungry. A good protein powder often contains around 18 grams of protein per scoop along with a full complement of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. They come in different flavors like berry, chocolate, almond, etc.
Healthy Protein Drink Recipe
You will love this recipe. It’s about the closest thing to ice cream – the vanilla and coconut mixture is simply divine. Best of all, it’s so nourishing, and it will make you will feel full until lunchtime. I have this if I am in a hurry, otherwise I will have rolled oats (porridge) in winter or my home made muesli or eggs, spinach and tomato when I have a bit more time.
It makes sense to consume a good amount of protein in the morning, because your energy level will remain higher for several hours after. The hormone cortisol is produced by your adrenal gland and its production peaks between about 6.00 am until about 10.00am in the morning, and if you eat protein you will maintain a higher cortisol level than if you eat a breakfast high in refined carbohydrates, liked those boxed breakfast cereals that many buy. Your body needs a boost to maintain good energy levels and a meal high in carbohydrates (like toast and jam with a cup of coffee or tea) just won’t be sufficient to carry you through. By 11.00 you will be hungry and probably want another coffee and biscuit, muesli bar or something similar.
Breakfast Protein Shake Ingredients:
I highly recommend a blender for the ease of mixing rapidly and thoroughly and also because it is quick and easy to clean up. These can be purchased cheaply at your local appliance store. You can rinse it clean in hot water in under ten seconds. We’re all rushed in the morning, so spending time cleaning up after you make a protein drink usually the last thing on your mind.